Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. As soon as I began thinking deeply about all the possibilities of professional/personal topics I could blog about, the first school-related topic that popped into my mind was the website that I shared about in our last class in the previous course. It's my go-to website for math games related to our curriculum but it is full of links to other resources, as well. To be honest, I hadn't even looked into many of the other resources beside what was connected to the math link until this week. My favorite other resource I recently explored was the one called "Family Reading Activities". The link sent me to a page with a variety of engaging, highly interactive literacy games and activities for families to do with children. Some of my favorites to suggest to parents for summer fun were "High Frequency Word Go-Fish" and "Be A Playwrite". When you get a chance, check this website out and EXPLORE! You won't regret it! Go now: Mrs. Gebauer.
I just realized as I was about to actually share this post that I never answered my own question. I did notice there was a link titled "About Mrs. Gebauer" so I think I'll check it out now! I'll let you wonder until my next post!